When the gravel is delivered be sure to spread the material so that it peaks in the middle then tapers off at each side to allow for adequate drainage.
Best gravel for driveway download#
To determine the amount of material needed, download our Concrete and Agg Calculator from your mobile app store or use our Sand, Gravel and Stone calculator on our website.

The top layer should consist of gravel such as 2” washed gravel or most popular: 3/8” pea gravel also known as #8 pea gravel. Since the material is angular it locks together providing traction and a stable foundation. Reviews on Gravel Driveway in Bremerton, WA - Santos Landscaping NW, Ramos Landscaping, Northwest Construction & Landscape, Alvins Landscaping. Gravel driveways are relatively cheap to install, however, the upkeep and maintenance of a gravel driveway are often where the costs begin to pile up compared to other low-maintenance alternatives. The middle layer should also be angular stones about 2” to 3” in diameter such as our #2 Bluestone. Cost-effective: Cost is often an important factor when it comes deciding what type of driveway to opt for. The ideal thickness of each layer is between 4 to 6 inches. Gravel driveways cost about 1.25-2 per square foot. Pros: Cost-effective: A solid choice for covering large areas. The bottom layer should be comprised of stone (6” crushed rock) or consider 6” recycled concrete. Some popular choices for gravel include river rock and pea gravel, which we will discuss among others below. Gravel is a classic driveway material with an endless choice of colors to suit any home.

Make life easier for your client down the road and place geotextile fabric down to prevent weed and unwanted plant growth. However, you can narrow down your choice to crushed gravel like C-5 limestone and granite C-5. Getting the right base for your driveway depends on the soil conditions in your area. Instead, you should concentrate on the foundation base. Level out the area that will make up the new driveway. Learn which type of gravel you should choose for a back patio or driveway for your home. The asphalt is merely the top dressing that masks the base below the surface.Be sure to remove any grass or topsoil from the marked-off area.Determine the area that will make up the driveway using stakes and string. 20mm (3/4 inch) is standard for structural purposes, unless certain other factors are at play, such as reduced cover to reinforcing bars, in which case 10mm (3/.A gravel driveway is the least expensive driveway when comparing to other types, and if installed properly, can last up to 3 to 5 to even 10 years with regular upkeep and maintenance.